Sitting by the Fire in the Log Cabin and Watching the River Flow By

When ever you read about nature and its bounty, you heart and mind race to relive those moments of the past when you spent hours out in the open communing with nature. The urban city lifestyle throws us into an entirely different orbit altogether. Before long we realize that our lives have changed, meetings, schedules […]

My National Geographic moment

“A photographer from National Geographic wants to talk to you.” These words, or words to those effect, met me as I came into the museum office one day back in 2001, and they definitely caught my attention. It was 2001 and I was Assistant Director of the Sternberg Museum of Natural History. We had just […]

The 3 Tech Breakthroughs That Changed Garden Lighting for Good

In the last few years, there has been a real spike in the popularity of solar garden lights.  There are many reasons for this.  They are simple to install, are comparable to traditional garden lights with recent increases in technology, AND they save you copious amounts of money off your power bills. People like the […]