Harley Davidson Handbags For Ladies That Ride In Fashion

As women have taken to motorcycling in larger numbers, Harley Davidson has responded by offering motorcycles and gear that suit the wants and needs of women riders. No other company has done so much to promote motorcycle riding for women, so it’s no surprise that they are one of the few companies to tailor their […]

Solar Farms – The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Utilizing solar energy is something we should be doing more of since it’s clean and renewable, at least cleaner than biomass energy. That’s the good part about solar energy. Right now we need more infrastructure built up. That’s the bad part. To do so requires a large investment in solar which investors don’t like because […]

Leatherman Multi Tools for Backpackers

Leatherman Tools makes several different multi tools that serve different purposes. Some of the tools are best for jobs around the house or on the job site while others work well for the outdoors. If you are a backpacker you may be interested in the multi tools that Leatherman makes that are geared toward outdoor […]

Geographic Insights about Big Bear Lake

Most visitors to Big Bear Lake come from the urban sprawl of Southern California, city dwellers at heart. Few have a real appreciation of the underlying geology or geography that circumscribes the place they visit for the rest and recreation found at Big Bear. They are exquisitely well positioned to appreciate the built environment, from […]